Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Cat Muscles - fascia lata (*NOT a muscle, but a tendon/aponeurosis)

The probe is pointing to the fascia lata, which is the tendon/aponeurosis associated with the tensor fascia latae muscle of the thigh and is also known as the "deep fascia" of the thigh. The fascia lata aponeurosis is located posterior to the sartorius muscle, on the lateral surface of the thigh.

To find fascia lata, first locate where the thigh joins the abdomen, then follow the connective tissue band that is on the lateral side of the thigh (from an anterior view): this is the fascia lata. In other words, the fascia lata aponeurosis of the cat's thigh is recognizable as the tough and semi-transparent sheet of connective tissue (fascia) that extends downward from a triangular muscle, the tensor fascia latae.

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